Behsasman Sanat Engineering Company was the host of the business manager of Middle East & North Africa District of StoraEnso Company of Finland for a week starting from January 11th.
Mr. Salvatore Sortino throughout his staying visited the office of "Behsaman Sanat Engineering Co." and got to know the staffs. He had some meetings with the CEO of Behsaman Sanat regarding developing the cooperation between the two companies and moreover growing diversity of building wooden materials.
During these conversations, it was emphasized on maintaining a long-term business relationship and advancement of this commercial bond. Mr. Sortino also visited the company's warehouse where ThermoWoods are kept.
Mr. Ramin jafary the C.E.O. of Behsaman Sanat as the official and exclusive representative of StoraEnso ThermoWood in Iran stated the interest and the potential of Iran's ThermoWood market to Mr. Sortino. In addition Mr. Sortino went for a visit to observe several ThermoWood cladding projects that were executed by the brand of StoraEnso in Tehran.
Furthermore, a dinner night celebration was arranged with presence of His Excellency "Mr. Harri Kamarainen" the Ambassador of Finland in Tehran, in honor of the entrance of the business manager of StoraEnso to Iran.
Mr. Kamarainen, the Ambassador of Finland congratulated the arrival of Europe largest producer of wood in Iran; and regarding the enhancement and ease in wood business between the two countries contributed with helpful ideas.